A planted Southern California variety of our native poppy grace a few spots near the road.
Starting into Bear Valley going north.
Many Flowered Blue Dicks (Dichelostemma multiflorum): A native of California & Oregon. Grows in hills & grasslands.
View from near the top of Leesville Road. Bumpy asphalt, sharp curves, great views and old farmsteads take you back to early California.
Parish’s Nightshade (Solanum parishii): A small shrub a little less than 2' tall and wide.
Small Flowered Tamarisk (Tamarix parviflora): This beautiful non native tree lined the creeks. Unfortunately it can be invasive.
An oak forest on an old abandoned homestead mark the beginning of Rayhouse Road.
Small Clarkia (Clarkia affinis): This native was only about ½" across.
Chaparral Clematis (Clematis lasiantha): A very showy native vine with dozens of flowers approximately 2" each.
Pink Spineflower (Chorizanthe membranacea): A native annual that is only occasionally seen.
Whisker Bush (Linanthus ciliatus): Is not a bush but you can definitely see the very fuzzy hairs that look like whiskers. Native.
Yellow - white Lupines dominate this hillside. One of the most prolific patches we have seen.
Swallows tucked in for the night at our Cache Creek Campground.
Gray Pine (Pinus sabiniana): These pines were very numerous in the area.
Red Ribbons (Clarkia concinna): Each lobed flower on this native was almost 2" across.
Typical view from the hill side trails at Anderson Marsh.
An diseased Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) makes for a strange shaped trunk.
Windmill Pink (Silene gallica): Not native. The flowers look like little windmills if you use your imagination.
Old majestic oaks dominate the hill area.
An old barn, a small house, and a few other buildings lend a country ambiance to Anderson Marsh's unpretensious homestead.