CHINA CAMP S.P. SHORELINE July 22, 2010 Home Trail Description: China Camp is always enjoyable with it's combination hill trails, bay and marsh views and the old China Camp Village that makes you feel you're back in the 30's. This time we took the southwestern end of the Shoreline trail. It climbs up from the China Camp Point parking lot steeply and ends about a half mile further near developments. We turned around and reversed directions for a lunch and then to Turtle Back Hill. Turtle Back is fairly level and has delightful views of the marshes, Jake's Island, and the bay. Keep an eye on the marshes as you likely to spot a number of shore birds. Park Page & Trail Map: here Blooming Plants Not Photographed: NN=Non Native Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel)NN Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting) Artemisia douglasiana (California Mugwort) Briza maxima (Rattle Snake Grass)NN Calochortus luteus (Yellow Mariposa Lily) Centaurea solstitialis (Yellow Star Thistle)NN Cirsium vulgare (Bull Thistle)NN Conium maculatum (Poison Hemlock)NN Convolvulus arvensis (Field Bindweed)NN Croton setigerus (Turkey Mullein) Cuscuta saligna (Salt Marsh Dodder) Erodium botrys (Long Beaked Filaree)NN Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) Foeniculum vulgare (Sweet Fennel)NN Frankenia salina (Alkali Heath) Gnaphalium californicum (California Everlasting) Gnaphalium luteo album (Weedy Cudweed) Grindelia hirsutula (Gumplant) Hemizonia congesta (Yellow Hayfield Tarplant) Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon) Hirschfeldia incana (Summer Mustard)NN Hypochaeris radicata (Rough Cat’s Ears)NN Jaumea carnosa (Jaumea) Lepidium latifolium (Perennial Pepper Grass)NN Lotus corniculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil)NN Madia sativa (Coast Tarplant) Malva nicaeensis (Bull Mallow)NN Mentha pulegium(Pennyroyal)NN Mimulus aurantiacus (Sticky Monkey Flower) Monardella villosa (Coyote Mint) Phyla nodiflora (Lippia) NN Picris echioides (Bristly Ox Tongue)NN Plantago lanceolata (English Plantain)NN Raphanus sativus (Wild Radish)NN Rubus discolor (Himalayan Blackberry)NN Rubus ursinus (California Blackberry) Salicornia virginica (Pickleweed) Senecio glomerata (Lobed Leaf Australian Fireweed)NN Senecio minima (Australian Fireweed)NN Spergularia rubra (Purple Sand Spurrey)NN Typha latifolia (Broad Leaf Cattail) Vicia benghalensis (Purple Vetch)NN Zeltnera muehlenbergii (White Eyed Centaury) Ferns Not Photographed: Dryopteris arguta (Wood Fern) Pentagramma triangularis (Gold Back Fern) Polystichum munitum (Sword Fern) Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens (Bracken Fern)