Bird’s Beak (Cordylanthus maritimus): Considered rare and endangered by the CNPS.
Thimble berries among the Bishop Pines.
Candy Flower (Claytonia siberica) Likes moist areas.
Water Parsley (Oenanthe sarmentosa): Poisonous. Allegedly contains The “psychotroph” myristicine.
Canyon Gooseberry (Ribes menziesii): Gooseberries have thorns. Currants do not.
About midway on the Jebson going towards Hearts Desire Beach.
Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor): This bush may grow up to 12 feet tall.
San Francisco Gum Plant (Grindelia hirsutula var. maritima): Considered rare & endangered by the CNPS.
Dodder (Cuscuta salina): Parasitizing the Pickleweed it is growing on.
Approaching Indian Beach.
Hawkweed (Hieracium albiflorum): White flower is about ˝ inch across.
Silver Beachweed (Ambrosia chamissonis): Each tiny yellow flower is about 1/32 inch across.
Australian Fireweed (Erechtites minima): Non native. Yellow flower was 1/16 inch across.
Crossing the Lagoon bridge towards Indian Beach.
Wild Cucumber (Marah fabaceus): A member of the Gourd Family.
California Blackberry (Rubus ursinus): Not as a robust plant as the Himalayan Blackberry.
Looking south along Tomales Bay from Indian Beach.
Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus): Just ripening berry.
Coffeeberry flower (Rhamnus californica ssp. californica): Individual flower was about 1/4 inch across.