April 10, 2007
Trail Description:
The trail we took runs through the center of the park by way
of the main fire road. Initially, most of the flowers
seen were on the side of the road under a heavy canopy of Madrones, Oaks,
Firs, Redwoods and other mixed forest trees. Half way around at Recreation
Flat, the
forest gave way to open meadows and grasslands with a number of flowers
carpeting the floor. It's been two weeks since visiting the parks northern section
where few flowers were seen. We're unsure if time or geography accounts for
the difference.
The trail was about 3 miles long with an elevation change from 1750' down to
1150' at Recreation Flat and then back up again.
Trail Location:
From the intersection of Cold
Springs Road and Las Posadas, go south on Las Posadas Road for about a half mile and watch for the park
entrance and fire station on the left. Park on the right side of the road outside
the park.
“Ferns not Photographed”:
Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum)
California Polypody (Polypodium californicus)
Giant Chain Fern (Woodwardia fimbriata)
Gold Back Fern (Pentagramma triangularis)
Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum jordanii)
Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum)
“Blooming Plants Not Photographed”:
Blue Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum)
Blue- Purple Vetch (Vicia villosa)–Non native
Bowl Tube Iris (Iris macrosiphon)
California Blackberry (Rubus ursinus)
California Buttercup (Ranunculus californicus)
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Cotton Top (Micropus californicus)
Fairy Bells (Disporum hookeri)
False Yellow Lupine (Thermopsis macrophylla)
Gold Fields (Lasthenia californica)
Hillside Pea (Lathyrus vestitus)
Hound’s Tongue (Cynoglossum grande)
Indian Clover (Trifolium sp.)
Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora)
Ithuriel’s Spear (Trileleia Laxa)
Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
Milk Maids (Cardamine californica)
Mission Bells (Fritillaria affinis)
Pine Violet (Viola lobata)
Pine Violet (Viola lobata ssp. integrafolia)
Poison Oak (Rhus diversiloba)
Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius)- Non native
Shooting Star (Dodecatheon hendersonii)
Sky Lupine (Lupinus nanus)
Snake Root (Sanicula crassicaulis)
Star Flower (Trientalis latifolia)
Sweet Cicely (Osmorhiza berteroi)
Turkey Pea (Sanicula tuberosa)
Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)
White-veined Wintergreen (Pyrola picta)
Wood Rose (Rosa gymnocarpa)
Wooly Hog Fennel (Lomatium dasycarpum)
left or right arrows to see all 13 pictures |