American Vetch (Vicia americana): Many vetch are introduced; this is a native.
Annual Mountain Dandelion (Agoseris heterophylla): They are not that plentiful this year probably due to the lack of rain.
Balloon Clover (Trifolium depauperatum): The oil is said to be used medically for nausea and flatulence.
Butter Weed (Senecio aronicoides): Also called Groundsel, medicinally used for constipation.
Cob Mountain Lupine (Lupinus sericatus): Lives only in California. Is listed as rare and threatened.
Fringed Downingia (Downingia concolor): These like moist areas.
Little Comb Seed Flower (Pectocarya pusilla): The flower is a little smaller than a BB.
Seed itself of Little Comb Seed Flower (Pectocarya pusilla)
Pansy Monkey Flower (Mimulus androsaceus): A small monkey flower only 1/3" to ½" across.
Popcorn Flower (Plagiobothrys sp.): Likes open spaces. Common in grass.
Low Buttercup (Ranunculus pusillus): The flower is less than 1/4" across.
Red Bells (Fritillaria recurva): The bulb is poisonous.
Sweet Cicely (Osmorhiza chilensis): The roots are said to be antiseptic.
Section of trail with Lupine
Valley Tassels (Castilleja attenuata): These are root parasites on other plants.
Woodland Violet (Viola purpurea): Side view showing purple undersides. Front is yellow.