June 25,  2015

Hike Description:
Sometimes there is a new twist to old hikes which make them interesting again.
Such was the case with our Benicia SRA Dillon Point hike.
For years we had taken the shoreline route out to the large white sign, about a half mile out and then turned back. But this time we saw there was a possibility of going all the way around the spit. We took a chance and about a 45 minutes and 100 boulders later we were back on top of the spit's Bay Area Ridge trail with good views of the straits. The route made for a short 2.5 mile hike, but very scenic.

See our Park page for more information. 

Blooming Plants Not Photographed:
NN=Non Native
Achillea millefolium (Yarrow)
Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel)NN Atriplex prostrata (Spearscale Orache) Brassica nigra (Black Mustard)NN
Carduus pycnocephalus (Italian Thistle) NN Centaurea iberica ( Iberian Star Thistle)NN Cichorium intybus (Chicory) NN
Convolvulus arvensis (Field Bindweed) NN Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy) Euthamia occidentalis (Western Goldenrod) Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) NN Helminthotheca echioides (Bristly Ox Tongue) NN
Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia (Hayfield Tarweed)
Jaumea carnosa (Jaumea)
Lactuca serriola (Prickly Lettuce)NN
Lepidium latifolium (Pepper Grass)NN Lotus corniculatus (Bird�s Foot Trefoil)NN Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon)
Malvella leprosa (Alkali Mallow)
Raphanus sativus (Wild Radish)NN
Rubus ursinus (California Blackberry)
Salicornia pacifica (Pickleweed)
Sonchus oleraceus (Common Sow Thistle)NN Spergularia rubra (Purple Sand Spurrey)NN