Purple Nightshade (Solanum xanti): A sprawling semi shrub that was about 2 feet tall. Native.
View from Old Ranch Road across the valley.
Zigzag Larkspur (Delphinium patens): A native which has 5 flowers in a zigzag formation on the stem.
These clover leaves (Trifolium sp.) made for a large scale lovely groundcover.
Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa): Organic gardeners may plant this non native as a companion plant for providing nitrogen.
Much of the grounds are covered in thick grasses at this time of year.
Valley Tassels (Castilleja attenuata): A native annual which is common but not conspicuous due to it’s size and color.
Miniature Lotus (Lotus micranthus): Native pea relative with flowers less than 1/8" across.
Windmill Pink (Silene gallica):Introduced from Europe. It is common on hillsides
Wild Carnation (Petrorhagia dubia): Originally from Southern Europe. The flower was about 1/3" across.
Upper Lake is almost at capacity.
There were masses of these native Sky Lupines (Lupinus nanus) covering the grassy fields.
Suncups (Camissonia ovata): A native that was numerous on the upper grasslands close to the lake areas.
Butter & Eggs (Triphysaria eriantha): This parasitic native extracts water & nutrients from roots on nearby plants.
This is a rest and nesting spot for many birds including this Cormorant.
Goldfields (Lasthenia californica): These natives tend to grow in yellow blanketed masses on the hillsides.