October 22,
Do Hyperlink in Park page.
Trail Description:
The newly opened 30 acre Ellis Creek is part of the 500 plus acre Petaluma Wetlands. Dominating the site is a modern sewage system. 21 years in the works and $114 million dollars later it replaced the
aging system with a facility able to treat sewage and output 650 million gallons of clean water. The water is used to sustain agriculture and local marshes which it also uses as a 'polishing' pond, thereby solving several problems at once. There are about seven miles of trails (depending on how many
circles you care to take) and there is always more at the adjoining Shollenberger. While touring a park in an industrial zone next to a sewage plant may not be high on your agenda... everything was so clean, modern and tastefully done, that it was actually an enjoyable experience. You may have to hunt for
flowers at this time of year, but the birds certainly won't be hard to find.
Park Location: here
Park Page:
Blooming Plants Not Photographed: NN=Non Native
Anagallis arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel)NN
Atriplex triangularis (Spear Scale Orache)
Baccharis douglasii (Marsh Baccharis)
Baccharis pilularis (Coyote Bush)
Centaurea solstitialis (Yellow Star Thistle)NN
Charlock (Synapsis arvensis)NN
Cichorium intybus (Chicory)NN
Convolvulus arvensis Field Bindweed)NN
Conyza borariensis (South American Horseweed)NN
Cyperus eragrostis (Umbrella Sedge)
Frankenia salina(Alkali Heath)
Gnaphalium luteo album (Weedy Cudweed)NN
Grindelia stricta (Gumplant)
Hemizonia congesta (Tarweed)
Hirschfeldia incana (Summer Mustard)NN
Lepidium latifolium (Perennial Pepper Grass)NN
Malva neglecta (Umbrella Mallow)
Malvella leprosa (Alkali Mallow)
Mentha pulegium(Pennyroyal)NN
Raphanus sativus (Wild Mustard)NN
Scirpus californicus (California Tule)
Sonchus oleraceus (Smooth Sow Thistle)NN
Typha angustifolia (Narrow Leaf Cattail)
Typha latifolia (Broadleaf Cattail)