Narrow Leaf Clover (Trifolium angustifolium): Introduced species that probably came in with horse manure.
Examining plants at the trail head.
Douglas Iris (Iris douglasiana): A very common wild Iris in woodland areas as was this.
Common Cinquefoil (Potentilla glandulosa): Flowers were about ½" across.
A dense canopy on the Lake Trail
Western Trillium (Trillium ovatum): This flower is beginning to go to seed.
Seep Monkey Flower (Mimulus guttatus): Flower much smaller than usual as it grew out of a crack in the dam.
An old walking bridge spans the North Asbury Creek.
Hill Star (Lithophragma heterophyllum): Lives on the shaded slopes.
Mule Ears (Wyethia glabra): Native with flowers 2" across on the average.
Redwoods dominate the Upper Fallen Bridge Trail.
Inside Out Flower (Vancouveria planipetala): Likes to grow near Redwoods or Douglas Fir trees.
Checker Lily (Fritillaria affinis): Seed Pod. Is approximately 1" x 1" in size.
California Tea ((Rupertia physodes): The leaves have been brewed as a tea.
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius): A very pretty non native bush. Unfortunately it is very invasive.