How to use this guide:
1. Parks are listed under Counties (on left).
2. Click on a park to bring it up.
3. Trails are listed under Parks (listed by date taken).
Click on dates to see what you might expect to find for that time of year.
4. Plant Index: lists
all the plants we've seen so far. For a photo, just click on the name.
5. More information is available above under the title.
6. Contact us (above) if you have other problems & we will be happy to help. .
For better viewing:
1. Make sure you window is at full screen (box icon
upper right). You can press F11 if you have Internet Explorer.
(best viewed in Internet Explorer for older files (pre June, 2009). Our new Jalbum will work in all common browsers.
2. Set your monitor resolution
higher & get more viewing area.
This will enable you to view web pages better and have to use your scroll bars less.
We recommend you have at least a 1024 X 768 setting (detail
of display) to see more and see better.
The trade off is the letters and pictures are slightly smaller.
Generally choose the smallest writing you can live with.
For MS Windows XP: Go to "Start" (lower left), "Setting" and
"Control Panel"
B: In "Control Panel", double click on "Display" (TV icon).
C: Click on the "Settings" tab. At the lower left will be a
and you can adjust the settings here. Again, set to at least
1024X768, & 16 bit is ok, but 32 bit is best.
Higher is better, but be sure you can still read the type
size and that your compute doesn't slow too much.