Point Reyes Checkerbloom (Sidalcea calycosa ssp. rhizomata): Is considered a rare plant by the CNPS.
Examining the flora at the trails start.
Carolina Bristle Mallow (Modiola caroliniana):A non native groundcover with flowers 1/3" across.
Cow Clover (Trifolium wormskioldii): This native clover is considered to be in “limited distribution” by the CNPS.
Small stream feeding 'Creamery Bay'.
Large Flowered Linanthus (Leptosiphon grandiflorus): lower is close to 1 ½" across. Classified as a “plant of limited distribution by the CNPS.
Varied Lupine (Lupinus variicolor): This perennial native lupine likes to live by the coast.
Coyote Thistle ((Eryngium armatum): The spines on this native were about 3/4" across.
Self Heal (Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata): The flower size was about 1 ½" by 1 ½".
Hiking through fields of Yellow Cats Ears.
Davy’s Fairy Fan (Clarkia davyi): This numerous native flower averaged 3/4" across.
Ground Brodiaea (Brodiaea terrestris ssp. terrestris): A native which flowers just above the ground.
View of Drakes Bay from the watering hole near the trails end.
San Francisco Owl’s Clover (Triphysaria floribunda): This 1" flower is considered rare by the CNPS.
Dwarf Checkerbloom (Sidalcea malviflora ssp. malviflora): A native which averaged about 1" across.
Hikers stop to contemplate the view.
Tinker’s Penny (Hypericum anagalloides): A small creeping mat native that likes moist areas.
Hyssop Loosestrife (Lythrum hyssopifolia):Not native–from Europe. Tiny flowers were about 1/8" across.
"Why Mildred, isn't that the Napa wildflower group?"