December 17, 2009

Trail Description:
On this overcast foggy day we decided it would be prudent to stick closer to home and Skyline Park is about as close as it gets for most of us. Buckeye is a nice leisurely route up with scenic views from sometimes tunnel like oak paths. At this time of year flowers are rare, but some buds were showing themselves, so we mostly enjoyed just hiking. After a quick lunch we headed towards Manzanita Trail when we spotted the huge old Bay by the bridge - on it's side. Apparently winds and a one sided root system had taken it's toll.
Manzanita is a nice trail back that slowly winds downhill through a variety of environments from rocky open cliffs to shady tree lined paths and finally ending in broad grassy pastures.

Park Page: click here for more information.

Blooming Plants Not Photographed:

NN=Non Native
Baccharis pilularis (Coyote Bush)
Hirschfeldia incana (Summer Mustard)NN
Lobularia maritima (Sweet Alyssum)NN
Raphanus sativus (Wild Radish)NN
Senecio vulgaris (Common Groundsel)NN
Umbellularia californica (California Bay Tree)

Ferns Not Photographed:
Adiantum jordanii (Maiden Hair Fern)
Dryopteris arguta(Wood Fern)
Pellaea mucronata (Bird’s Foot Fern)
Pentagramma triangularis (Goldback Fern)
Polypody calirhiza (Nested Polypody Fern)
Polystichum munitum (Western Sword Fern)
Woodwardia fimbriata (Giant Chain Fern)