Narrow-leaf Queen Poppy (Meconella linearis): This native poppy is not commonly found.
Sandy Soil Suncups (Camissonia strigulosa): A small native beach Suncup with flowers about 1/4" across.
Our first dune trail. Unfortunately many of the natives are being replaced by invasive plants.
Spineflower (Chorizanthe cuspidata): A very numerous native that lives up to it’s name. Flowers are about 1/16" across.
Sand Mat (Cardionema ramosissimum): The plants grew as tufted mats with 1/16" across flowers.
Dune Gilia (Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis): A native annual with this flower bud which was about ½" across.
Coast Cryptantha (Cryptantha leiocarpa):Native in the Borage family which had flowers only about 1/16" across.
Silver Beach Lupine (Lupinus chamissonis): A small bush with striking silvery edged leaves.
Looking back over Bodega Bay. Ahead, it runs into some well marked dune trails.
Seaside Fidddleneck (Amsinckia spectabilis): The leaves and stem on this native were so hairy they were like sandpaper.
Beach Knotweed (Polygonum paronychia): A native perennial which had flowers about 1/3" across.
Rattlesnake Weed (Daucus pusillus): A native annual which grew somewhat commonly on the sand dunes.
Many Leaved Gilia (Gilia millefoliata): A native annual which lived on the sand dunes with flowers about
1/8" across.
Crete Weed (Hedypnois cretica): Non native annual that grew in the sand dunes & measured about ½" across.
Cobweb Thistle (Cirsium occidentale): The bud on this native will soon become a bright red showy flower.
Broadleaf Glandweed (Parentucellia latifolia): A non native annual . Each tiny flower was about 1/8" tall and 1/16" wide.
View of the coast from Bodega Head.
Coastal Goldfields (Lasthenia minor): Low growing native annual with wooly foliage & flowers about 1/3" across.
Sand Spurrey (Spergularia macrotheca): A sprawling native ground cover with flowers up to ½" across.
Cream Cups (Platystemon californicus): A native annual which grew commonly on the hills at Bodega Head.